Plus Two Physics Study Notes PDF download | Kerala Notes

Plus Two Physics Study Notes PDF download | Kerala Notes

Kerala Notes for Plus Two Physics is the most popular study note for plus two students in Kerala. The notes are prepared by certified teachers of the Kerala state. We offer complete and latest study materials for plus two Physics students. It covers chapter-wise notestextbook solutions, and previous year questions with solutions

Higher Secondary Plus Two Physics Study Notes based on the NCERT syllabus. the notes are divided into chapters, which makes them easy for handling. The entire syllabus is made into question and answer patterns, which makes you understand how questions will be asked for the examination, but the ideas are presented in the correct sequence as in the NCERT textbook.

These study materials comprehensively cover all chapters from Class-XII Physics with detailed theory, numerical examples, objective questions, complete solved problems, assignments, etc.

Board SCERT, Kerala
Text Book NCERT Based
Class Plus Two
Subject Physics
Materials Provided Notes, Textbook Solutions, Solved Question Paper
Category Plus Two Kerala

Kerala Higher Secondary Plus Two Physics Chapter wise Study Materials

Plus Two Physics Chapter 1 Electric Charges and Field

This is the first chapter of the NCERT Physics textbook, which talks about the details and different types of electric charges. It also talks about the law of gas, a combination of charges, exchange of electrons, amount of charge, charge etc. This chapter of NCERT Physics has a total of 15 topics for the students to understand. It gives you a little practice in Chapter 12 Physics so that you can practice well for the exam.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 2 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

Chapter 2 of Physics NCERT Class 12 Book covers electrical efficiency and various factors. Also, the difference between the two electric fields is explained. In addition, the relationship between the potential gradient and the electric field, the amount of potential energy in an external field, and similar topics related to the electric potential are explained in the book Physics. Plus two Class 12 Physics Chapter also contains some formulas related to electrical skills and post-training for a better understanding of the students.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 3 Current Electricity

It is considered as one of the most important topics in 12th Class Physics NCERT Solutions. Therefore give high importance to this subject. There is a total of 16 topics in this chapter, where topics like current density and electricity are discussed. In addition, how electric charges differ from liquid conductors to solid metal conductors is discussed. This NCERT Book for Class 12 Physics chapter also deals with the relationship between Ohm's law, sliding speed, relaxation time and resistance.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 4 Moving Charge and Magnetism

This chapter is very important because this chapter will be the basis for many future studies. This class 12 chapter on NCERT Physics explains what is magnetic force and its motion in a magnetic field. A total of 11 topics have been discussed in Chapter 12 of Physics Classroom, which talks about the Law of Law and the Law of Biot-savarat’s law. It introduces students to movement in toroids and solenoids, integrated magnetic and electric fields.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 5 Magnetism and Matter

This Plus Two Physics chapter expands on the conversation about magnetism in the previous chapter. It explores the subject of gravity and matter in greater depth. The topics covered in this chapter of NCERT Physics are Cas's Laws and Magnetism, Bar Magnet and Earth's Magnet. There is a total of 7 topics in this chapter that explain the magnetic properties of different materials and the properties of magnetic field lines. This chapter contains a table that talks about electronic analogue. There are questions at the end to understand and practice this 12th chapter of Physics.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction

After discussing magnetism in detail, chapter six of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Textbook talks about electromagnetic induction. This chapter deals with topics like electromotive force motion, magnetic flux, eddy currents, quantitative energy analysis and induction. A total of 10 topics related to electromagnetic induction have been discussed in the NCERT Book for Physics class 12 chapter. This chapter introduces Faraday's first and second laws of electromagnetic induction. In addition, Fleming's exact law and the law of lenses are discussed in Chapter 12 Physics.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 7 Alternating Current

AC voltage applied across the resistor, AC voltage in LCR circuit, alternating current, capacitor, etc are discussed in Chapter 12 of NCERT Physics. Furthermore, it discusses LC oscillations, power and transformers in AC circuits. A total of 9 topics were discussed in the Plus Two Physics chapter. There are several questions at the end of the chapter for the students to practice.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Waves

The three most important topics of Physics Class 12 have been discussed in this chapter. These are electromagnetic waves, current displacement and the electromagnetic spectrum. This NCERT chapter on Physics talks about the need for electromagnetic waves, current displacement, velocity and nature of electromagnetic waves, and Maxwell's equations on various applications of electromagnetic waves. Waves of radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, etc., as well as their wavelength range, frequency range and detection channels, are discussed.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 9 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

This chapter on NCERT Solutions Class 12 Physics is the basis of Radiation Optics and the various instruments associated with it. In this chapter, there is a total of 9 topics to discuss Radiation Optics and various optical instruments. These include total internal reflection, spherical reflection, refraction and refraction on the surface of the lens.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 10 Wave Optics

After discussing rays optics and its instrumented talks about wave optics at depth. A total of 7 topics in this 12th Physics chapter discusses Huygens principles, reflection, and refraction in plane waves, polarisation, diffraction, refraction, interference of light waves, incoherent and coherent addition of waves, and Young’s experiment. 

Plus Two Physics Chapter 11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

This NCERT solution for the Class 12 Physics chapter covers a total of 9 topics and 2 main arguments. Are these properties of radiation and are these properties similar to wave or particle or both? Other topics discussed in this chapter are the photovoltaic effect, electron emission, lightwave theory, natural material currents, and Einstein's photoelectric equations.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 12 Atoms

NCERT Solutions for Physics Class 12 Chapter Atoms talks in detail and covers a total of 6 topics. We know that all organic matter and mineral matter are made up of atoms. This 12th chapter of Physics covers these topics and covers other topics like Rutherford's Atomic Model, Atomic Spectrum, War Model of Hydrogen Atom and Spectrum Line in Hydrogen Atom.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei

The next topic talks about the nuclei of atoms. The initial topic in this chapter talks about the introduction to the embryo and other nuclei discuss the structure of the embryo. In addition, there are topics such as nuclear energy, embryo size, radiation and nuclear energy. This chapter on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics also talks about the relationship between nuclear and nuclear energy and how it can impact and solve the energy crisis.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 14 Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits

This chapter talks about all types of insulators and semiconductors. A total of 11 topics were discussed in the Class 12 Physics Ensemble chapter where the first topics include Conductors, Classification of Metals and Semiconductors. This chapter of Physics class 12 discusses the differences between the intrinsic semiconductor and extrinsic semiconductors, the use of semiconductor diode and junction diode.

Plus Two Physics Chapter 15 Communication Systems

This last chapter in NCERT Solutions Class 12 Physics Textbook talks about communication systems and covers a total of 10 topics. There are three main components that can be communicated in general. They are channel, transmitter and receiver. This chapter describes each of these elements in detail. In addition, it talks about the bandwidth of various transmission media, the bandwidth of the signal, the modulated amplitude, the need to be modulated, and the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

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