Kerala Notes WhatsApp/Telegram Groups. Join now

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When you are looking for the latest information about the various KTU, CBSE, high school and higher secondary curricular activities, study matters, other news items and important trends, you can rely upon Kerala Notes for the best-updated news in this regard.

Kerala Syllabus & KTU Whatsapp & Telegram for Students, Teachers etc...

Kerala Notes WhatsApp/Telegram Channel is a reliable and the fastest growing platform to share and exchange your study-related information. Kerala Notes WhatsApp Group is created for tertiary education students of Kerala (Plus two, Plus one, SSLC ). This channel will help you to have a quick access/alternative to existing official channels constantly flooded with irrelevant messages.

Kerala Notes has been inviting students/parents/Teachers to join our WhatsApp and Telegram channel to avail of your Kerala notes. We are a group for all those people who are willing to get in touch with Engineering study materials, circulars or any information regarding the Curriculum, Syllabus, Important notifications, Exam results, Entrance exam etc

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